How can I contact Beef & Wines?
You will find all contact information in the Contacts section, including e-mail address, postal address and phone number. If you intend to pay us a visit, a map is also available for you to locate our restaurant in the downtown of Funchal, Madeira Island.

Which countries does Beef & Wines ship to?
Wine and Merchandising items orders placed in Beef & Wines online store can be sent to all countries in the European Union with exception of Portugal and Spain.

How much do shipping costs amount to?
Nothing. Free shipping is offered to all orders. Except to Norway where there is a presentation to custom tax of 17.11€ per order.

How long do orders take to reach their destination?
An order placed in Beef & Wines Store usually takes about 10 business days after confirmation of payment.

Why do you ask for my tax number
We are force by law to put it on the delivery slip

Which payment methods do you accept?
Our online store supports payments by international bank transfer or credit card (PayPal). In case you come and check out our store in Funchal, Madeira, you can pay by cash, cheque, credit card or ATM card.

Do prices include VAT?
Yes, all prices listed include VAT.

Is there a Minimum order?
Yes, a six-bottle pack is required. Mixed packs are welcome.

Is there a Maximum order?
No, providing that they are multiple of six bottles

What should I do if my order arrives damaged?
The Beef & Wines ensures 100% good delivery of all your orders. In the act of receiving your order please make sure you are okay with it. If you notice any malfunction please return the carrier and that will be enough to start the process of returning money or replacement of your order.

 Please note that online orders will be shipped only after we have successfully confirmed your payment.

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